Three home projects you can do with your children

Staying in can cause even the best of us to go a little stir-crazy, especially when you have kids in the house who are even more bored than you. No matter the reason for your home stay, it’s important that you find activities to keep your mind moving. Why not do a fun, fixer-upper project and let your children help? It’ll cross something off of your list and keep them busy! Here are a few ideas:



Grab a few seeds and see what you can do! Gardening is a great activity that builds fine motor skills, teaches responsibility and is fun for the whole family. Planting some pretty flowers in your front yard increases your curb appeal, and can lift the spirits of your neighbors. Planting a vegetable garden is also a great idea – in a few months you’ll have fresh and healthy foods right at the tip of your green thumb! Not ready for a full garden yet? Purchase a few house plants and enlist your kids to help take care of them. Indoor plants are a great decorative piece that will spruce up your home and you’ll have extra sets of hands when it comes to daily watering!


Make a birdhouse

What better to go with your new garden than a birdhouse? With a little bit of wood and a pretty paint color, you have all you need to make one. A bird house is an adorable addition to your porch or yard and something you can always keep. For a little extra fun, use an old bottle and buy some seeds to create a bird feeder! Once your birdhouse is complete, you can watch from the window to see what types of birds make your birdhouse their home! This is a great activity to teach your children about nature and animals.


Paint something

Is there a room that desperately needs a fresh coat of paint? How about a wooden chair that would make your lawn look a lot brighter if it were painted yellow? Grab an inexpensive bucket of paint from your local hardware store, or maybe an old paint can stored in your shed, and get to painting! This is an activity that’s more fun the more people you get involved. There’s nothing like the sense of accomplishment you feel once you’ve completed painting something. If painting sounds fun to you and your children but you don’t have any pressing paint needs at the moment, get creative! Paint the inside of a small closet or maybe a bathroom cabinet, something that won’t drastically change your home’s appearance but will be fun nonetheless!


Show your kids that home improvement can be fun! Who knows, you may have a future builder, architect or designer on your hands.


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