How to prevent foreclosure

Purchasing a home can be an exciting process. While you’re visiting properties, weighing pros and cons and evaluating neighborhoods, you’ll need to take a step back and carefully consider what home makes the most sense for you financially. Foreclosure is emotionally and financially devastating, but for the most part, it can be prevented with forethought and planning.

So, what is foreclosure? Simply put, foreclosure is a financial process where the lender reclaims a home from the borrower because of an inability to make payments. The immediate implication is the loss of your home and property, but the ripple effects – like a hit to your credit score, inability to purchase a home for five to seven years, and emotional distress – can be felt for years.

United Housing is committed to helping Memphians achieve homeownership. But beyond that, we want to help our neighbors remain in their homes and build wealth. Here’s what you can do before you buy to help prevent foreclosure.

Attend a Homebuyer Education course

Fully understanding the cost of owning a home can help you better determine how much money you can afford to spend on a home, consequently preventing you from overextending yourself financially. Homebuyer Education courses, provided by organizations like United Housing, paint a holistic picture of the homebuying process and the costs associated with buying and maintaining a home. If you’ve already purchased a home, it’s not too late! We can still help you through our Post-Purchase Homeowner Education classes.


Create a budget and stick to it

Once you know how much homeownership costs, you can build a budget to ensure you have the money needed to cover your mortgage payment. United Housing’s HBE course helps you start the process, providing you with the tools you need to lay out your expenses and set your spending priorities.

Prioritize saving

Simply put – life happens. Even sound budgets can be shattered when economies change, babies are born or jobs are lost. Having a solid savings account will leave you time to reallocate your funds without missing payments on your mortgage.

What to do if you’re facing foreclosure?

If your mortgage payments are mounting, seeking help early can keep you in your home. UHI offers foreclosure counseling where our team of caring, trained professionals can help you evaluate your options. You don’t have to lose your home, and we can help you find a solution.



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