CARES funds part two: the human impact

Over the last year, grant programs and funding options have become available to nonprofits to help us alleviate our clients’ burdens caused by COVID-19. UHI secured varied funding to provide emergency support to our clients and maintain housing stability in Memphis. One avenue of CARES support came through our Home Repair Loan program. Read stories from UHI clients about the impact this program had on their lives:

Senior UHI client, Joyce, found herself in need of major home repairs. Not only did her foundation need to be stabilized, but most of her plumbing had to be repaired or replaced. As a former real estate agent, Joyce had a lot of experience in financing home repairs, and was familiar with many programs like UHI’s Home Repair Loan program. However, her experience was like none she had ever had before:

“In over 50 years of working with the public, I have never had the type of help that I received from United Housing,” said Joyce. “It’s a great program, not only for seniors, but for anyone that can qualify.”

Another one of UHI’s Home Repair Loan recipients, Barbara, discovered a wiring issue in her newly purchased home that created a fire hazard. Unable to get the money or loans for repairs, Barbara was left in a dangerous home without options. Luckily, she found UHI and was able to apply for our Home Repair Loan which covered the cost of her essential repairs.

“I would not be at my current home if not for United Housing,” said Barbara. “Without United Housing, I do not know where I would be.”

UHI client Pam was searching for funds to repair her mother’s house. Pam’s elderly mother uses a walker, which meant she required an accessible bathroom. She also had uneven floors in her kitchen which posed a falling hazard. Pam was able to get in touch with UHI and apply for the Home Repair Loan. Her mother’s newly repaired home has given her self-confidence:

“The home repairs have given my mother back her dignity and pride,” said Pam. “Now, she’s able to do a lot of things for herself.”

If you’re interested in learning more about our home improvement repair loan, click here. If you or a loved one is in need of home improvement, don’t wait, visit our website and apply today.


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