Pardon our dust - UHI has projects in progress throughout Memphis

If you’re driving through neighborhoods in Memphis, it’s likely that you’ll see United Housing projects in the making! This spring, we have several projects underway across the metropolitan area that we’re excited to share with you.

Memphis currently has a lot of blighted residential properties, which are unfortunately uninhabitable. According to a 2012 study by the United States Census Bureau, Memphis had a vacancy rate of 11.2 percent, the sixth highest rate of the 75 largest metropolitan areas in the country. This is a problem, and it is an opportunity for organizations like United Housing to pour love and time into these homes to make them inhabitable.

UHI’s Project Reinvest seeks to solve this problem by taking previously uninhabitable homes and transforming them into affordable, livable housing. These homes are at different levels of disrepair - with some only requiring minor improvements to make them livable again.

While UHI also builds new, affordable homes, there are many benefits to renovating existing properties. Renovating a home improves its appearance while maintaining original architectural features that are unique to certain neighborhoods and communities. The cost of renovating a home can be much cheaper than demolition and rebuilding costs, especially for older properties where the presence of asbestos and lead-based paint can cause safety hazards and require additional care. 

But most importantly, reinvesting in existing neighborhoods has an enormous impact on the well-being of the residents and the families who call these communities home. Families with stable housing have healthier children who are more likely to do better and stay in school. Reliable housing eliminates stressors that impact many lower-income workers. Homeowners statistically take better care of their homes, and neighborhoods where homes are well kept have lower crime rates. The impact of homeownership is truly far-reaching.

You’ll see many of our renovation projects in neighborhoods in Frayser and South Memphis. If you want to learn more about UHI homes that are being renovated or have been renovated, visit the list of available properties on our website.

If you’re interested in renovating a home you currently own, UHI can help! We have a home renovation loan program with affordable interest rates and 10-year terms. The loan amount is $15,000 and can be applied to the necessary improvements you need to make your home livable, safe and healthy for your family. Visit our home renovation loan page for more information.


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