Foreclosure in Memphis: what you need to know

If you’re facing foreclosure in Memphis because of hardships caused by COVID-19, there is help out there for you. By connecting with United Housing, you’ve come to the right place.

No one expects you to know what to do on your own when you’re facing foreclosure. Our team of educated housing counselors can help you better understand the options you have that could help you keep your house. They will also walk you through the process – you do not have to go through this alone. You can start the housing counseling process by filling out this online form. If you’re facing foreclosure, we encourage you to sign up as soon as possible.

Before you start housing counseling, there are a few things you can do on your own. By taking these steps, you’re gathering information that will help your housing counselor and could help you keep your home.

1. Learn who owns your loan.

To help you create a plan, our housing counselors need to know who owns your loan. If you’re not sure, you can use this free online tool to find out. Why is this important? Different lenders handle foreclosure support differently. Knowing who owns your loan will help us create the best repayment plan for your family.

2. Learn about CARES Act support and forbearance.

Government support can be confusing, especially when it comes to homeownership. Even if you read or watch the news and try to keep up with the most recent changes, it’s easy to misunderstand what help is available. This online tool from Freddie Mac explains important topics you should understand before you attend your counseling session: forbearance and CARES Act support. Read through this guide and click on the “+” icons to expand specific topics. Reading through this page a few times can help you better understand these topics and how they apply to your situation.


3. Prepare questions for your counselor.

You don’t have to come to your housing counseling session knowing everything about the CARES Act and forbearance. But reading about these topics ahead of time can help you prepare questions. As you read through the interactive online guide from Freddie Mac, write down questions for your housing counselor. They will be able to answer your questions and explain topics in more detail.


4. Continue to follow United Housing for more help.

United Housing is here to help. When you follow us on Facebook, you can learn about upcoming workshops or classes from United Housing and other trustworthy organizations in Memphis. These classes and workshops are a great way to learn more about housing, homeownership and specific topics like foreclosure.

If you live in Memphis and need help to keep your home, reach out to United Housing today. You can visit our website or call 901-272-1122.


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