Protect your investment with a home inspection!

An often forgotten part of the homebuying process is the home inspection. This critical step in the process protects the buyer from purchasing a home that might have flaws or issues by uncovering and disclosing them before the final contract is signed.

For some mortgage types, home inspections are required. For others, it is an optional step. Regardless of your mortgage type, United Housing strongly encourages all homebuyers to have a home inspection. In fact, we have two home inspectors on staff! Will and Matt go out into the community, inspecting homes and reporting findings to current owners and future buyers alike. They’ve shared three reasons why a home inspection is important!

1. Home inspections protect your investment.

Every home has minor issues or quirks. They’re man-made, and inevitably time and weather will cause small leaks, cracks and mechanical failures in varying areas of your home. But there is a big difference between small, fixable issues – like a leaky window that needs new sealant – and major issues – like a problem with a home’s foundation. A home inspection will identify all issues, big and small, so you can understand the state of a home before you sign on a dotted line. Think about it – you’re about to spend tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars on a home. You want to make sure it’s in the best condition possible!

2. Home inspections give you bargaining power.

Inevitably you will uncover something in your home inspection that needs to be repaired. When these issues are uncovered, your Realtor can help you negotiate a lower sale price or ask for these repairs to be fixed. The seller can then decide whether or not they want to meet your requests. With the knowledge you gain from a home inspection, you might be able to save money on your all-in payment, and save yourself money on the back end by having the seller fix preexisting issues.

 3. Home inspections ensure you’re safe.

Older homes often have windows that are painted shut. This is a safety hazard – as every room in your home should have an emergency fire exit. Home inspectors are trained to identify necessary safety features and can point out any that are missing. Some mortgage types require safety issues to be resolved before you can close on the home, and oftentimes a seller will oblige and accommodate these issues.

 4. Home inspections can protect sellers, too!

If you’re thinking about selling your home, you can also work with a home inspector! Rather than waiting for a buyer to uncover issues, you can proactively have your home inspected and make changes BEFORE you put your home on the market. This saves you from losing negotiating power during the home selling process.

If you have questions about home inspections, or need a home inspector to take a look at your property, connect with United Housing! We can help you identify a qualified home inspector to meet your needs.


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